Fantasy Authors Unplugged: Teri Polen’s Latest Release – The Gemini Connection

Check out the new release from Teri Polen featured in this post from the Archer’s Aim blog.

Archer's Aim

Hello to all the Archer’s Aim followers. Today, I have the distinct pleasure of  hosting author Teri Polen with her newest science fiction novel. Take it away, Teri!

Thanks so much to P.H. for having me today! When I was in middle school, a friend and I read everything we could find on dream interpretation – not that there was much to find on this subject in our small town, and the internet was nonexistent at that time. Dream dictionary in hand, we attempted to analyze our own and each other’s nocturnal visions. The findings were basically nonsensical and gibberish, but amusing to two 13-year-old boy crazy girls. As I mentioned, it was a small town, requiring us to create our own entertainment much of the time.

My husband and I are polar opposites when it comes to dreams. If he even remembers his, they generally involve everyday types of…

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