Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Prompt – Letter

Check out this stream of consciousness writing from John Howell from this post on his Fiction Favorites blog.

Fiction Favorites

Stream of Consciousness

It is Stream of Consciousness Saturday time again. This weeks prompt is “letter.” Linda Hill says we can use it any way we want.(The horror) If you would like to get involved, it is effortless. Take a big gulp of that margarita and go to Linda’s blog to read all about it. Here is the link.

Letter by John W. Howell ©2018

“This post is brought to you by the Letter C.”

“Hold it.”


“This is not Sesame Street.”

“I know. I just thought I would liven up the place a little.”

“By doing what?”

“Adding a little pizzazz with something fun.”

“Okay genius. Go ahead add some pizzazz.”

“Thank you. Hey there reader. Are you anxious, run down, have no energy? Do your friends and neighbors all think you’re a dud? Well if you are not a writer, we have the solution for you. Be the first ten…

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