The 2018 Author Interview Series Featuring Tom Gould

Check out my author interview with Tom Gould from my author blog.

Author Don Massenzio

This week’s author interview features author Tom Gould.

On a side note, though the initial response was gratifying, I find myself running out of interview subjects by  the end of September. If you haven’t been interviewed, or even if you have and you have a new release coming out, please feel free to contact me to be interviewed at I will send you the information and get you scheduled.

You can check out the 210 author interviews I’ve conducted thus far on my Author Directory page HERE.

Now, let’s meet Tom Gould.

Tom GouldDo you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?

I try to do a bit of both. I prefer to write for myself first and foremost and worry about what people think about it later.

If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?


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