Interview with Author David Liscio!

Check out this interview with David Liscio as featured in this post from Jem’s Books Blog.



David Liscio

Please help me welcome autho Davi Liscio to Jemsbooks Blog Segment, Interview an Author.

Welcome, David. It’s a pleasure o have you here today to share a little about yourself and your books.

1. Please tell us something about yourself.

I grew up in a house where the Bible, TV Guide and the small-town local newspaper were about the only reading materials, at least until my mother discovered Nora Roberts and Danielle Steele. I devoured a belly full of the classics while in college and that made a big difference in how I view the world. I have spent nearly thirty years as a newspaper reporter and magazine photojournalist. I’m also an adjunct college professor teaching public relations and social media, a volunteer firefighter/emergency medical technician, a member of my town’s Ocean Rescue team, and an…

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